"Cellphone Directions" :60 Radio PSA Client: Caltrans Campaign: Don’t Trash California ----- [Sound of a telephone ringing] Man: Hello? Woman: Hey, it's me...I think I'm almost to your place, but I need directions. Man: Ok, no problem. Let's see can you tell me where you are right now? Woman: Well, it's kinda foggy, and I can't really see the signs. Man: Hmm. Try to describe it for me. Woman: Well, I'm exiting the freeway and there's a rusted lawn chair on the right side and a mattress on the left side. Man: Ok, that's the right exit. Ok, what you're going to do is turn right, and then head up to the pile of trash your left left. Woman: Ok. Hold on, I think I see it. The pile with the soda cans and gum wrappers. Man: Yep, that's the one. Ok, now turn left at the next street. Woman: Ok, I'm passing a stormdrain buried under cigarette butts and what looks to be, uh, burger container, a straw, and a paper coffee cup. Man: Good, good...you're coming the right direction. Now, I'm going to have you turn right when you see the mustard bottle. Woman: Honey dijon? Man: No...no, keep going. Woman: Regular yellow? Man: Yep, that's the one. Turn right. ----- Announcer: Is trash piling up in your neighborhood? Let's do something about it. Don't Trash California. A message from the Caltrans Stormwater Program.